7 Best Sales Training Courses to Boost Your Revenue

Boost Your Revenue with Sales Training

sales training

Image Source: Unsplash‍

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, sales professionals must stay ahead of the curve to succeed in selling products. With the ever-evolving nature of technology and the increasing demand for SaaS solutions, sales leaders and teams must have the proper knowledge, skills, and techniques to sell these products effectively. This is where SaaS sales training programs come in.

What is a Sales Training Program?

A Sales Training Program is a comprehensive training program designed to enhance and develop sales professionals’ abilities to sell products and services. These programs are structured to provide sales reps with the necessary knowledge, skills, and techniques to navigate the complexities of software sales and achieve their sales targets.

Sales training programs can take various formats, including in-person seminars, workshops, live online training events, or virtual courses.

In-person seminars and workshops offer direct, interactive experiences, allowing participants to engage in role-playing exercises and practice sales in a controlled environment. On the other hand, live online training events and virtual courses provide the flexibility to engage in training from any location, making them convenient options for sales professionals with busy schedules.

Regardless of the format, the objective of a sales training program remains the same – to help B2B sellers master the sales process. This includes learning consultative selling skills and approaches, demonstrating product knowledge, handling objections, and closing deals.

Who Can Benefit from Sales Training?

Sales training programs offer valuable benefits to a diverse range of roles within a sales organization. The following individuals can reap significant advantages from participating in these sales coaching programs:

  1. Account Executives: As pivotal players in the sales process, account executives directly manage the sales pipeline and are tasked with closing deals. Sales training equips them with essential skills, negotiation techniques, and effective communication strategies to confidently and persuasively sell products and services.
  2. Sales Engineers: Sales engineers play a crucial role in providing technical product onboarding to prospects and new customers. Through sales training, they gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of solutions, enabling them to communicate the value of products effectively and tailor solutions to meet customers’ specific needs.
  3. Sales Managers: Sales managers are responsible for overseeing the entire online sales process, from planning to coaching to CRM management. Sales training equips them with comprehensive knowledge and effective strategies to manage and coach their sales teams efficiently, leading to improved team performance and sales results.
  4. Customer Success Teams: Customer success teams play a pivotal role in ensuring customer satisfaction and fostering long-term relationships post-purchase. Sales training empowers them to understand the unique needs of customers, enabling them to provide exceptional post-sale support and build strong customer loyalty.
  5. Business Development Representatives (BDRs): BDRs are the front-line professionals responsible for generating and qualifying new leads. Through sales training, they acquire the skills and techniques needed to identify and engage with potential customers effectively, leading to increased lead conversion and business growth.
  6. Marketing Professionals: Marketing professionals are instrumental in demand generation and outbound marketing efforts. SaaS sales training helps them understand the value proposition of products and services, enabling them to align marketing strategies with the unique selling points of the offerings. This results in more impactful marketing campaigns and better-targeted outreach to potential customers.

By investing in comprehensive sales training, organizations can elevate the performance and expertise of their sales teams, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately drive revenue growth and business success.

Through continuous learning and development, these sales professionals stay attuned to industry trends, customer preferences, and evolving sales methodologies, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition and succeed in the dynamic and ever-changing sales landscape.

What are the Benefits of Continuous Sales Training Programs

Sales training offers a wide range of positive effects for sales success for both individual sales professionals and the organization as a whole. Here are some of the key positive effects of sales training:

Improved Sales Performance: One of the most evident positive effects of sales training is an improvement in sales performance. Sales professionals gain valuable skills, techniques, and knowledge that enable them to engage with customers more effectively, address objections, and close deals successfully.

Increased Sales Revenue: With enhanced skills and confidence, sales reps can convert more leads into customers and upsell to existing clients, leading to increased sales revenue and business growth.

Better Customer Satisfaction: Sales training equips representatives to understand customer needs better and provide tailored solutions. Improved customer interactions and a focus on customer-centric selling contribute to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Sales Productivity: Sales training helps salespeople work more efficiently by providing them with structured processes and time management techniques. This leads to higher productivity and less time wasted on ineffective sales approaches.

Reduced Sales Cycle Length: A well-trained sales team can identify and address customer needs more quickly, leading to a reduction in the sales cycle length. Shorter sales cycles mean faster revenue generation and increased capacity to handle more customers.

Increased Confidence and Morale: Sales training boosts the confidence of sales professionals by equipping them with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed. This, in turn, leads to higher morale, increased job satisfaction, and a more positive work environment.

Alignment with Sales Objectives: Sales training helps align the sales team’s efforts with the organization’s overall sales objectives and strategies. This ensures that the team is working towards the same goals and priorities.

Adaptability to Market Changes: Sales training enables sales professionals to stay up-to-date with industry trends, customer preferences, and changes in the market. This adaptability helps them respond effectively to evolving market conditions.

Effective Use of Sales Technology: Training in sales technologies and tools ensures that sales reps can utilize them effectively, leading to better data management, improved communication with prospects, and streamlined sales processes.

Higher Employee Retention: Investing in the development and growth of sales professionals through training demonstrates a commitment to their professional development. This can lead to higher employee retention rates and lower turnover, reducing recruitment and training costs.

Overall, sales training has a positive and lasting impact on sales teams’ performance, customer relationships, and organizational success. It is a valuable investment that yields significant returns in terms of sales growth, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.

How to Evaluate the right Sales Training Programs

Evaluating the right online sales training program requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure it aligns with your virtual sales training team’s needs and objectives. Here are steps to help you evaluate and select the most suitable online sales training program:

Identify Training Goals: Determine the specific goals and objectives you want to achieve through the training. Whether it’s improving closing rates, enhancing objection handling, or increasing product knowledge, having clear goals will guide your evaluation process.

Content Relevance: Assess the relevance and comprehensiveness of the training content. Look for programs that cover essential sales topics and techniques applicable to your industry and target audience.

Interactivity and Engagement: Ensure the online training program offers interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, role-playing exercises, and gamification to engage learners actively and enhance the learning experience.

Learning Format: Evaluate the learning format of the sales coaching program. Is it presented through video lessons, written content, or a combination of both? Choose a format that resonates well with your sales team’s learning preferences.

Flexibility and Accessibility: Consider the program’s flexibility in terms of access and scheduling. Look for a platform that allows sales reps to access training content at their convenience and from any device with an internet connection.

User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface makes navigation and accessing training materials easier for learners. Test the program’s interface or request a demo to assess its usability.

Customization Options: Look for programs that allow customization to tailor the content to your organization’s specific needs and sales processes.

Learning Support: Check if the online sales training program offers additional learning support, such as coaching sessions, Q&A sessions, or discussion forums, to provide learners with opportunities for clarification and reinforcement.

Track Record and Reviews: Research the reputation and track record of the training provider. Look for reviews and testimonials from other organizations that have used the program to gauge its effectiveness.

Measurement and Analytics: Ensure the program provides tools for tracking learner progress and performance. Analytics and reporting features allow you to monitor individual and team performance, helping you identify areas for improvement.

Cost and Return on Investment (ROI): Evaluate the program’s cost and assess the potential return on investment in terms of improved sales performance and results. Consider the overall value the program offers in relation to its cost.

Free Trial or Sample Content: Whenever possible, request a free trial or access to sample content to experience the program firsthand and determine if it meets your expectations.

By following these steps, you can thoroughly evaluate online sales training programs and make an informed decision to select the one that best meets your sales team’s needs and aligns with your organization field sales side’s goals for growth and success.

The Best Sales Training Programs & Online Courses

Whether you are new to the world of sales or a seasoned professional, several top-rated sales training programs and online courses are available to help you boost your sales performance. These programs have been carefully selected based on their comprehensive curriculum and proven results. Let’s explore some of the best options:

1. The Platinum Passport by Pclub.io

Pclub.io is a highly regarded sales learning platform and online course library for SaaS and tech sales professionals. Their program, The Platinum Passport, is a comprehensive SaaS sales training program that delves deep into the fundamentals of SaaS sales.

It covers various aspects, including understanding the SaaS business model, subscription economics, and mastering sales techniques tailored for the SaaS environment.

The Platinum Passport program is structured to provide practical sales strategies, to handle common customer objections, conduct persuasive product demos, and deliver a consultative selling approach. With Pclub.io’s expertise in the industry, this program offers valuable insights and actionable tips to enhance your SaaS sales skills.

My Take: Chris Orlob and his team understand what sales reps and leaders need to be successful. He proved time and again (@Gong) that he knows what he is talking about, and if you only can have one sales training for sales rep on your team, this is the one. Although Pclub.io focuses on Saas Sales, the tactics you can learn apply to any other product with complex sales cycles.

2. The Art of Sales: Mastering the Selling Process Specialization on Coursera

The Art of Sales: Mastering the Selling Process Specialization, offered by Northwestern University on the Coursera platform, is another highly recommended sales training program. This program covers various sales topics and is designed to help sales professionals build an efficient sales process.

The course consists of four sub-courses, including customer segmentation and prospecting, connecting with sales prospects, sales pitch and closing, and building a toolkit for your sales process.

It offers self-paced videos, readings, practice quizzes, and graded assignments to test your progress. While the course can be audited for free, a paid subscription is required for a certificate and access to additional features.

My Take: This course focuses much on the selling process and doesn’t cover other areas as profoundly. If you want to learn how to leverage the whole inbound sales process, this is the right course for you.

3. Sandler Training’s Enterprise Selling Training

Sandler Training is a renowned sales training company that offers a specific Enterprise Selling Training course. This program aims to transform sales representatives into highly skilled professionals who understand the enterprise sales process and can deliver exceptional value to customers.

Enterprise sales often involve a longer sales cycle, higher customer acquisition costs, and a tougher audience for sales pitches. Sandler Training’s Enterprise Selling Training course provides structured solutions for these challenges.

It covers various topics, including account management, client mapping, relationship development, client retention, opportunity navigation, and competitive positioning.

Overall, this course equips sales professionals with a common set of tools, clear language for sales communication, and a strategic platform for scalable and repeatable sales processes.

My Take: I can’t go wrong with going with Sandler, an institution in sales training, especially for more complex sales. For startups and SME companies, I would not recommend it.


Andy Whyte and his MEDDICC team focus on making enterprise sales easy and effective. Their training program provides comprehensive guidance on mastering the MEDDICC sales methodology, which stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, Competition and Champion.

The MEDDICC methodology emphasizes understanding the buyer’s pain points, aligning with decision-makers, and effectively navigating the decision-making process. This training program offers in-depth training modules, tools, and resources to help sales professionals excel in enterprise sales.

My Take: This course and the methodology are highly recommended for all companies selling to enterprise customers with complex sales processes. It simplifies the approach, makes it easier to forecast, and your sales team will learn a powerful methodology to apply.

5. Christian Krause

Chris Krause is a young up-and-coming sales coach who learned sales at Salesforce and started as an SDR. He is a superstar seller and a passionate coach. Talking about someone finding his true calling, that is Chris.

As he is rather new, his two courses: The Prospecting Blueprint and The Discovery Blueprint, are hands-on and highly applicable. The templates are super useful and you can use his two courses as the foundation for SDR training and AE training.

My Take: Chris is a hidden gem. A young sales coach that builds excellent sales courses just for the sales team has some of the best templates to work with and is genuinely a great person. If you are tight on budget, these two courses will have a great ROI. All lessons apply to any other product other than Saas.

6. SalesLab by Thibaut Souyris

Another young and fantastic sales coach. Thibaut focuses with his SalesLab courses on training for SDR and AE around prospecting virtual selling and outreach. His content on how AI can be used to accelerate and support the outreach process is one of a kind. (Tip: follow him on LinkedIn)

He offers three courses and a bundle:
The New Outreach System: A Tactical Guide To Booking Meetings On LinkedIn
The AI Outreach System: A Tactical Guide To Using Artificial Intelligence To Book Meetings
The Cold Message System: A Tactical Guide To Writing Cold Emails and LinkedIn Messages
And the Bundle of: The New Outreach System + Cold Message System Bundle

My Take: As you can see in the title of his courses, it is all about tactics and learning how to do things the right way. My recommendation is, if you want to teach your SDR and AE teams the new skills, SalesLab got you covered.

7. Revenue Academy by Winning by Design

Winning by Design is a global, well-established player in the sales training industry. With a clear focus on recurring revenue teams, WbD was founded in 2012 by Jacco van der Kooij and since then helped more than 600 companies around the world.

The courses aim to deliver high impact to all facets of your business to business sales and customer success. While you pay per course per seat and prices are relatively high compared to the other recommendations on this list, the content is excellent.

My Take: If you have no budget restrictions and really want to go deep, very deep into specific topics, the Revenue Academy is certainly among the best courses you can buy for your money.

Other notable sales training programs and online courses include:

  • Sales Hacker
  • Gong.io’s Revenue Intelligence Academy
  • Sales Training and Sales Enablement by HubSpot
  • Salesforce’s Sales Cloud Training and Certification
  • LinkedIn Learning’s Sales Training and Sales Management Courses

Challenges of Sales Training and How to overcome them

Time Constraints: Sales professionals often have demanding schedules, and finding dedicated time for training can be challenging.

-> Offer Microlearning Sessions – Break down the training content into short, bite-sized modules that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Microlearning allows sales reps to fit training into their busy schedules and enables them to absorb information in manageable chunks.

Resistance to Change: Some sales reps may be resistant to adopting new training methodologies or techniques, especially if they have been successful with their existing approach.

-> Use Success Stories and Testimonials – Share success stories and testimonials from other sales reps who have experienced positive outcomes after adopting the new training. Hearing real-life examples from peers can help overcome resistance and instill confidence in the effectiveness of the new approach.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Not all sales reps have the same learning style or skill level, making it challenging to deliver training that suits everyone.

-> Personalized Coaching – Provide one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to each sales rep’s specific needs and challenges. Address individual skill gaps and focus on areas that require improvement to enhance the overall training experience.

Lack of Reinforcement: Without ongoing reinforcement and coaching, the impact of training can diminish over time.

-> Regular Role-Playing Sessions – Conduct regular role-playing exercises where sales reps practice applying the newly acquired skills in simulated sales scenarios. Role-playing reinforces the training concepts and helps sales reps become more confident in their abilities.

Limited Training Resources: Budget constraints or a lack of training resources can hinder the effectiveness of sales training initiatives.

-> Utilize Internal Subject Matter Experts – Leverage the expertise of top-performing sales reps within the organization to conduct internal training sessions. Their real-world insights and experiences can provide valuable and cost-effective training resources.

Difficulty Measuring Training ROI: It can be challenging to quantify the direct impact of sales training on revenue and performance.

-> Implement Pre- and Post-Training Assessments – Administer assessments before and after the training to gauge the sales reps’ knowledge and skills improvement. Compare the results to quantify the training’s impact on performance and ROI.

Overloading with Information: Providing too much information in a short time can overwhelm sales reps and reduce the effectiveness of training.

-> Focus on Core Competencies – Prioritize the most essential skills and knowledge relevant to the sales team’s success. Concentrate on core competencies that can make an immediate difference in their own sales strategy and approach.

Limited Management Support: Without support from sales managers and leadership, the effectiveness of training may be limited.

-> Manager-led Training Reinforcement – Encourage sales managers to actively participate in training sessions and reinforce the concepts in regular team meetings and coaching sessions. Manager support enhances the adoption and application of the new skills.

Lack of Continuous Learning Culture: A one-time training event may not lead to sustained improvement if there is no culture of continuous learning within the sales organization.

-> Implement Learning Challenges – Organize learning challenges or competitions that encourage sales reps to continuously engage in professional development. Recognize and reward those who actively seek learning opportunities beyond formal training.

Inadequate Follow-up and Feedback: Without regular follow-up and feedback, it is difficult to gauge the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for improvement.

-> Post-Training Surveys – After each training session, distribute surveys to gather feedback from participants. Use this feedback to fine-tune the training content and address any concerns or areas for improvement.

Addressing these challenges proactively and tailoring sales training to meet the specific needs of the sales team is essential for a successful and impactful sales training seminar or program.

What are the Advantages of Online Sales Training Programs

Flexibility and Convenience: Online sales training offers flexibility as sales reps can access the content at their convenience, allowing them to fit training into their busy schedules. They can learn at their own pace, enabling better absorption of information.

Cost-Effective: Online training eliminates the need for travel, venue rental, and other associated costs of live training events. This makes it a more cost-effective option, especially for organizations with a distributed sales team.

Accessibility: Online training is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for remote or geographically dispersed sales teams. It ensures consistent training across all team members, regardless of their location.

On-Demand Learning: With online sales training, sales reps can access training modules, videos, and resources whenever they need them. This allows for continuous learning and reinforcement of concepts over time.

Personalization: Online training platforms can offer personalized learning paths based on individual sales reps’ skill levels and needs. Customized content ensures that each participant receives relevant and targeted training.

Interactive Learning: Many online training programs incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes, simulations, and gamification, which engage sales reps and enhance their learning experience.

Self-Assessment: Online training often includes self-assessment tools that allow sales reps to measure their progress and identify areas for improvement. This empowers them to take ownership of their learning journey.

Updated Content: Online sales training course can be easily updated to reflect the latest sales techniques, industry trends, and best practices. This ensures that sales reps receive current and relevant information.

Scalability: Online sales training can scale effortlessly to accommodate a growing sales team or new hires without the logistical challenges of arranging live training events.

Analytics and Reporting: Online training platforms often provide analytics and reporting features, allowing sales managers to track the progress and performance of their team members. This data helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.

While live training events have their merits, online sales training offers numerous advantages in terms of flexibility, accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and personalized learning. Combining both approaches, where applicable, can create a comprehensive and effective sales training program that meets the diverse needs of a sales team and drives improved performance and results.


In the digital era, sales training programs are essential for sales professionals to thrive in the competitive business landscape. Whether you are a sales executive, manager, or marketing professional, investing in these programs can significantly enhance your sales performance and help you achieve your goals.

By equipping yourself with the proper knowledge, skills, and techniques through top-rated sales training programs, you can navigate the complexities of software sales, effectively communicate the value of products, handle objections, and close deals successfully. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your sales skills and stay ahead of the competition in the dynamic world of sales.

Remember, the key to success in sales is continuous learning and adaptation. Stay informed about the latest industry trends, technologies, and strategies, and never stop refining your sales approach. With the proper training and a growth mindset, you can excel in selling products/services and drive revenue for your organization.

And to finish it up, here is a nugget about 4 Questions to Build Pain That Money Follows

Editorial Process:

My reviews are written with great care and come from real-world experience. Read my editorial process here.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used/tested and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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